Уважаемые участники!

Июнь - пик туризма в Санкт-Петербурге.

В отелях самый горячий сезон и проживание будет дорогим.
 Однако для Вас мы подготовили специальное предложение и рекомендуем им воспользоваться!

Не упустите возможность
комфортного и бюджетного проживания.

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Grants and Awards

The Russian Hair Research Society supports and encourages Russian-speaking specialists from around the world. The Congress RHRS 2019 provides 1 educational travel grant in the categories “main scientific program” and “the most interesting clinical case”, as well as 2 awards in the category “poster presentation”

UK 2020

Educational travel grant

Attending the 19th meeting of the European Hair Research Society, June 2020 Sheffield, UK

  • visa fee
  • flight
  • accommodation
  • registration fee

Russia 2020


The registration fee for the congress of the Russian Hair Reseatch Society in 2020

The dates will be announced at the RHRS congress on June 20-22, 2019

Guidelines for submission of abstracts for
oral presentations and for poster presentation here